




发布时间:2021-10-25 阅读量:


报告题目:Synchronization of Switched Discrete-Time Neural Networks via Quantized Output Control With Actuator Fault

报告地点:腾讯会议 ID: 443504118


报告简介:This talk is concerned with the global exponential synchronization almost surely (GES a.s.) for a class of switched discrete-time neural networks (DTNNs). The considered system switches from one mode to another according to transition probability (TP) and evolves with mode-dependent average dwell time (MDADT), i.e., TP-based MDADT switching, which is more practical than classical average dwell time (ADT) switching. The logarithmic quantization technique is utilized to design mode-dependent quantized output controllers (QOCs). Noticing that external perturbations are unavoidable, actuator fault (AF) is also considered. New Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals and analytical techniques are developed to obtain sufficient conditions to guarantee the GES a.s. It is discovered that the TP matrix plays an important role in achieving the GES a.s., the upper bound of the dwell time (DT) of unsynchronized subsystems can be very large, and the lower bound of the DT of synchronized subsystems can be very small. An algorithm is given to design the control gains, and an optimal algorithm is provided for reducing conservatism of the given results. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness and the merits of the theoretical analysis.

报告人简介:杨鑫松,四川大学三级教授,博导,全国复杂网络会议专业委员会委员、TCCT随机系统控制学组学术委员会委员、智能物联专委会委员、中国系统工程学会会员、中国自动化学会会员、中国仿真学会会员、中国工业与应用数学学会会员、美国《数学评论》的评论员,2016年获江苏省科学技术奖二等奖。是杂志Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics、Mathematical Modelling and Control、 Neural Processing Letters的编委。在SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and  Systems –I, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics等国际顶级杂志发表学术论文100余篇,主持完成多项国家级和省级项目。