报告题目:A variational approach in the exponential nonlinear equation
报告简介:In this talk, we will introduce some kinds of equations with exponential nonlinearities motivated by uniformization problems as well as from models in Mathematical Physics. In regard to the existence, we will review the results of these equations from a variational point of view. Finally, we will focus on the solvability of a kind of the exponential Finsler Liouville type problem by using Malchiodi’s min-max method, which is a joint work with Chunqin Zhou.
专家个人简介:张涛,烟台大学讲师,博士毕业于上海交通大学,从事非线性偏微分方程及其应用的研究,特别对半线性椭圆型方程的blow-up分析理论和存在性方法进行过系统的研究,并取得了一些重要的研究成果。相关工作发表在 Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis-TMA,Canadian Mathematical Bulletin ,Communications in Mathematics and Statistics等杂志上。