




发布时间:2020-02-28 阅读量:


性别:男      籍贯:山东省曲阜市   政治面貌:中共党员
2009.7-2014.7.  中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院计算数学所  区域分解与并行计算专业(计算数学) 硕博连读   导师: 胡齐芽研究员
2005.9-2009.7  山东科技大学      信息与计算科学专业             理学学士  
2019.9-2020.9    美国科罗拉多大学博尔德校区计算机学院,国家公派访问学者,合作导师:蔡小川教授
2019.1–至今     山东科技大学,数学与系统科学学院,副教授,偏微分方程高精度高效数值求解
2016.3–2018.12  山东科技大学,数学与系统科学学院,讲师,研究方向:声波方程和电磁场方程组的高精度间断有限元算法和高效求解器(并行区域分解解法器)
2014.9–2016.3   中国电子科技集团公司第四十一研究所,工程师,负责测试信息化
2014.7–2014.9   北京应用物理与计算数学研究所/高性能数值模拟软件中心,助理研究员,负责区域分解算法的并行化实现
4. 2016年度青岛市源头创新计划(应用研究专项-青年专项),平面波间断Petrov有限元方法及
1.2010.7 – 2010.8  应邀参加香港中文大学举办的内地研究生暑期研究体验计划并获得结业证书
24.Long Yuan and Xiao-Qiang Yue*, A global space-time Trefftz DG scheme for the time-dependent isotropic elastic wave equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 450(2024): 115931.
23.Long Yuan* and Qiya Hu*, A PWDG method for the Maxwell system in anisotropic media with piecewise constant coefficient matrix, ESAIM-Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 58 (2024), pp. 1-22.
22.Long Yuan* and Wenxiu Gong, A space-time Trefftz DG scheme for the time-dependent Maxwell equations in anisotropic media, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 211(2023), pp. 445-469.
21.Long Yuan*, Global space-time Trefftz DG schemes for the time-dependent linear wave equation, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 131(2023), pp. 82-102.
20.Long Yuan*, A Generalized Plane Wave Discontinuous Galerkin Method for three-dimensional anisotropic Helmholtz equations with variable wave numbers, Applied mathematics letters, 123(2022), Article ID: 107595.
19.Long Yuan and Qiya Hu*, Plane wave discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Helmholtz equation and Maxwell equations in Anisotropic Media, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 97(2021), pp.  355-374.
18.Long Yuan*, Shuai Xi and Binlin Zhang, The Plane Wave Methods for the Time-Harmonic Elastic Wave Problems with the Complex Valued Coefficients, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2021, 13(5): 1169-1202.
17.Long Yuan*, A Plane Wave Least Squares method for the Maxwell equations in Anisotropic Media, Numerical Algorithms, 2021, 87: 873–894.
16.Long Yuan*, A combined scheme of the local spectral element method and the generalized plane wave discontinuous Galerkin method for the anisotropic Helmholtz Equation, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2020, 150: 341-360.
15.Long Yuan and Qiya Hu*, Generalized Plane Wave Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for nonhomogeneous Helmholtz equations with variable wave numbers, International journal of computer mathematics, 2020, 97(4): 920-941.
14.Long Yuan*, The Plane Wave Discontinuous Galerkin Method Combined with Local Spectral Finite Elements for the wave propagation in Anisotropic Media, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, 2019, 12(2) : 517-546.
13.Long Yuan and Qiya Hu*, Error analysis of the plane wave discontinuous Galerkin method for Maxwell's equations in anisotropic Media, Communications in Computational Physics, 2019, 25(5):1496-1522.
12.Long Yuan* and Yang Liu, A Trefftz Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Time-Harmonic Elastic Wave Problems, Computational and applied mathematics, 2019, 38(3), DOI: 10.1007/s40314-019-0900-y.
11.Qiya Hu* and Long Yuan*, A plane wave method combined with local spectral elements for nonhomogeneous Helmholtz and time-harmonic Maxwell equations, Advances in Computational mathematics, 2018, 44(1): 245-275. ESI高被引论文
10.Long Yuan* and Qiya Hu, Comparisons of three kinds of plane wave methods for the Helmholtz equation and time-harmonic Maxwell equations with complex wave numbers, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018, 344: 323-345.
9.Long Yuan* and Qiya Hu, The Plane Wave Methods Combined with Local Spectral Finite Elements for the wave propagation in Anisotropic Media, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2018, 10(5): 1126-1157.
8.Long Yuan*, Qiya Hu and Hengbin An, Parallel Preconditioners for Plane Wave Helmholtz and Maxwell Systems with Large Wave Numbers, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 2016, 13(5): 802-819.
7.Qiya Hu* and Long Yuan, A plane-wave least-squares method for time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations in absorbing media, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2014, 36(4): A1937-A1959.博士期间工作
6.Qiya Hu* and Long Yuan, A newton-penalty method for a simplified liquid crystal model, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2014, 40(1): 201-244.博士期间工作
5.Qiya Hu* and Long Yuan, A weighted variational formulation based on plane wave basis for discretization of Helmholtz equations. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 2014, 11(3): 587-607.博士期间工作
4.Long Yuan and Qiya Hu*, A solver for Helmholtz system generated by the discretization of wave shape functions, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2013, 5(6): 791-808. 博士期间工作
3.袁龙*, 胡齐芽, 复波数Helmholtz方程和时谐Maxwell方程组的平面波间断Petrov-Galerkin方法, 《数值计算与计算机应用》, 2015, 26(3): 185-196. CSCD收录
2.袁龙*, 赵茂先,基于Matlab求解时谐复系数弹性波方程的平面波最小二乘法,《实验技术与管理》,2020, 37(8): 88-91.
1.袁龙*, 赵茂先,基于Matlab求解时谐复系数弹性波方程的超弱变分方法,《力学与实践》,2021,43(2), pp. 289-293.
4.Long Yuan and Qiya Hu*, A discontinuous plane wave neural network method for Helmholtz equation and Maxwell's equations, submitted, 27 pages, 2024.
3.Long Yuan*, Xiaoyu Wang and Xiaoqiang Yue*, A space-time Trefftz dG method for the second order time-dependent Maxwell system in anisotropic media, submitted, 28 pages, 2024.
2.Long Yuan* and Qiya Hu*, Discontinuous Galerkin plane wave neural network methods for Helmholtz equation and Maxwell's equations, manuscript, 27 pages, 2023.
1.Long Yuan*, A plane wave discontinuous Galerkin method combined with local spectral finite element methods for the nonhomogeneous Helmholtz equation and Maxwell equations in anisotropic media, submitted, 2021. 20 pages
2.2018年青岛西海岸新区第三批高层次人才紧缺人才称号,  青岛西海岸新区人才称号
6.2024年5月受邀参加由四位教授Barucq、Imbert-Gerard、Perugia、Selgas组织的国际会议“Contemporary Challenges in Trefftz Methods, from Theory to Applications, in Oaxaca, May 12-17”。 网址:
5.2020年10月28日接受计算数学国际顶尖刊物SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (SINUM)副编委邀请,成为该期刊的独立审稿人,并为其审稿